Rural Development Center wins the Human Being Award – Maranhão in the ESG category
The Rural Development Center (NDR), an initiative of the Vale Foundation and the Arari Knowledge Station, won the 1st place of the Human Being Award (ABRH) – Maranhão, in the ESG category. Organized by the Brazilian Association of Human Resources, the award aims to recognize actions that add value not only to the people directly involved, but also to society, by promoting sustainable growth and citizenship through innovative practices that have achieved significant results, and can be considered a reference in the market.
“The NDR is an incredible space, which seeks to foster, develop, experiment and replicate social technologies aimed mainly at families of farmers and collectives of rural producers who are in a condition of vulnerability, bringing practices that are also environmentally friendly. Today, it is already a reference center in the state of Maranhão, but we have no doubt that, very soon, it will also be a reference at the national level. Congratulations to ABRH Maranhão, for recognizing the best practices that seek to make the interface between the social and the environmental fields and, more than that, generate transformation and leave a legacy in the territory”, celebrated the manager of the Northern Territory of the Vale Foundation, Marcus Finco.
The Human Being Award has regional editions, held by the 21 sections of ABRH. The first regional places compete for the national award of the following year, as in the case of the Inova Up project, which was the winner of the Pará stage in 2023, also in the ESG category, and is now one of the candidates for recognition at the Brazilian level.
Learn more about the Rural Development Center (NDR)
The NDR is a center of excellence in social technologies aimed at family farming and agroecology and serves the communities of the municipality of Arari and its surroundings. Supported by the Vale Foundation, its technical partners are the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), and professors and researchers from the federal and state universities of Maranhão (UFMA and UEMA). The NDR offers technical advice and rural extension to producers, strengthening food security and generating income for the families assisted.