
In the territories in which it is present, the Vale Foundation establishes partnerships to create and implement the Education and Health Program, executed through projects that strengthen public policies and the fight against poverty.
It acts through an intersectoral strategy that seeks to support the guarantee of access to fundamental rights always in partnership with municipal secretariats, social institutions, executing partners and investing partners who seek, together, to build a more just and sustainable society.

The Vale Foundation contributes to social development by uniting education, health and social protection actions, promoting intersectoral agendas and active search actions
The complexity of social issues that affect health and education care in the municipalities requires an intersectoral action of public agents. In this sense, the Education and Health Program is structured in order to promote dialogue that allows the exchange of information and practices and, in some cases, joint action among the education, health and social assistance agents of the municipalities.
The Vale Foundation seeks to propose solutions that aim to ensure the entry and permanence of children and adolescents in school, strengthen public education, promote health and social protection.
The Vale Foundation also maintains five Knowledge Stations, socio-educational spaces that offer activities for children and adolescents during school hours.
Learn about the main axes of action of the Vale Foundation:

Literacy and combating school exclusion
To invest in education, for the Vale Foundation, is to invest in the integral formation of the human being, in the opportunities for a better and more dignified life. It is what promotes actions for a just, inclusive, democratic and sustainable society. Always seeking to strengthen and expand access to public policies for education, the program implemented by the Vale Foundation is aimed at students from public elementary schools and aims at actions to strengthen the literacy and literacy processes: a crucial stage in school life. Access to quality public education is a fundamental right for the development of autonomous communities, so it also develops initiatives to combat school exclusion.
Created in collaborative processes, bringing together academic, technical and local specialists, and taking into account the desires, needs and knowledge of the territories. The main actions include: training of educational managers and teachers, mobilization in favor of education, preparation of didactic and pedagogical material, promotion of reading and culture, among others.
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Health and Social Protection
The strengthening of primary care or primary health care and social assistance, which is known as the “gateway” for sus and SUAS users, and health promotion with a transversal policy of SUAS are the two important fronts of action of the Vale Foundation and its partners for the care of people, communities and the environment in the municipalities in which it is present. Always in partnership with the health secretariats and local social organizations, both in technical cooperation and in the mobilization of human and financial resources, Fundação Vale develops programs whose understanding of health is systemic and integral.
Primary care guides the prevention of diseases, solves possible cases of diseases and directs the most serious to higher levels of care in complexity. It also includes actions to strengthen the social assistance network of municipalities – an indispensable sector for guaranteeing access to fundamental rights.
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Knowledge Station
The Knowledge Stations are spaces that offer educational, cultural and sport activities for children and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old, during after-school hours. Its political-pedagogical projects and schedules are designed to contribute to the integral development of the people served, fostering creativity and innovation, and strengthening the articulation of partnerships between public entities and civil society, valuing the characteristics of each region.
Among the activities offered are language and digital media, music, dance and capoeira classes, and sports such as football, athletics and swimming. Reading and audiovisual rooms and collections are also available. There are five Knowledge Stations, located in the municipalities of Arari (MA), Brumadinho (MG), Serra (ES), Marabá and Tucumã (PA).
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