
Vale Foundation’s projects and initiatives are developed and structured on Education, Basic Health, Productive Inclusion, and Social Protection, and include five Knowledge Stations. The projects are implemented in the territories in which Vale operates. On this page, you can learn more about the projects and filter considering the theme, the state or the city of operation.
Knowledge Stations

The Knowledge Stations are spaces maintained by the Vale Foundation that offer educational, cultural, and sports activities in after-school hours, having children and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old as the main target audiences. Through their programs, they contribute to the social development of the communities, fostering creativity, innovation, partnerships articulation, participation and sharing of actions among public entities, organized civil society and communities, valuing the characteristics of each region.
There are five Knowledge Stations in operation, located in the municipalities of Arari (MA), Brumadinho (MG), Serra (ES), Marabá and Tucumã (PA). They are independent institutions, maintained mainly with direct resources from the Vale Foundation, in addition to incentivized resources from Vale and resources from investment partners: Wheaton Precious Metals (Marabá, Tucumã and Arari), Posco (Marabá, Tucumã and Arari), CXHI (Marabá) and Hatch (Tucumã). The incentivized resources come from the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (Municipal Councils for the Defense of Children and Adolescents) and the Sports Incentive Law (Special Secretariat for Sports).
Literacy Trails

The Literacy Trails program seeks to contribute to the full literacy of children in public schools in the municipalities where Vale operates. The actions include training educators and technical teams from the State and Municipal Education Departments, production and distribution of complementary teaching materials and mobilization of the school community for literacy.
In Maranhão, the initiative is carried out in partnership with 24 neighboring municipalities of the Carajás Railroad and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV).
In Pará, 8 municipalities where Vale operates are partners in the project (Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Canaã dos Carajás, Curionópolis, Eldorado do Carajás, Marabá, Ourilândia do Norte, Parauapebas and Tucumã), which is carried out in partnership with FGV and has investments from Wheaton Precious Metals and BNDES through the Socio-Environmental Fund.
In Rio de Janeiro, the project takes place in partnership with the city councils of Itaguaí and Mangaratiba and, in Minas Gerais, with the city councils of Catas Altas, Rio Piracicaba and Santa Bárbara, being implemented by Roda Educativa in both states.
Literary Routes and Networks

The Literary Routes and Networks program supports public schools to structure their policy for promoting books and reading and to integrate reading actions in the curriculum. The program fosters access to books and reading through the expansion of the schools’ literary collection and the training of teachers in reading mediation, in addition to improving the rooms and reading corners of the schools. Currently, Roda Educativa is the executing partner of the project in Ouro Preto (MG).
Networked Territories

The Networked Territories program aims to identify the main challenges related to the development of municipalities, proposing a set of actions to ensure the confrontation of school exclusion and to carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the challenges experienced, in addition to promoting the articulation of governmental and non-governmental sectors for the development of policies and actions in different areas.
The initiative is carried out by Cidade Escola Aprendiz and has Wheaton Precious Metals, Komatsu and Keda (KHDI) as investing partners. The project is currently active in 16 municipalities in the states of Pará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.
Rural Development Center

The Rural Development Center of the Arari Knowledge Station seeks to be a Center of Excellence in Permaculture and Bioconstruction that promotes and generates social technologies and solutions for the sustainable production of family farming in nearby communities. Supported by the Vale Foundation, its technical partners are the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and professors and researchers from the federal and state universities of Maranhão (UFMA and UEMA). The Center provides technical assistance and rural extension in the production process, strengthening food security and generating income for the families assisted.
Women of Maranhão Network

The Women of Maranhão Network is a collective formed by social businesses that were incubated, accelerated, and graduated by the Agir program (Support for Income Generation and Increase) on the Carajás Railroad – EFC. The social businesses are mostly composed by women who sold products through the windows of the EFC passenger train and who lost their main source of income with the modernization of the carriages in 2015, when the windows were closed. The Agir program supported the groups in their reinvention in the face of the new scenario and encouraged network associations.
As a continuation of the Agir program, the Women of Maranhão Network gained protagonism through the dynamization of its productive activities, integrating groups of babassu coconut breakers to the Network, and accessing new markets. The implementation of the program and the business support actions are carried out in partnership with Mandú Inovação Social and have Wheaton Precious Metals as an investor partner.