
Contributing to the social development of the territories in which Vale is present is the mission of the Vale Foundation, which undertakes its initiatives always seeking a collaborative perspective.
It establishes dialogues, values local knowledge and practices, and strives to dialogue and expand local voices in search of more equal access to essential public rights and policies.

The Vale Foundation understands that the territory is beyond geographic location.
The relationship established considers culture, traditions, socioenvironmental aspects, and institutional and personal relationships. It distributes its initiatives in Maranhão, Pará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.
TheVale Foundation’s activities are aimed at promoting integral human development, so that individuals and communities have the opportunity to present their needs, and lead their own solutions, achievements and fullfilments.
Social investment, regional development, respect for human rights and the strengthening of local potential are priority themes for Vale. In this sense, the Vale Foundation mobilizes resources, efforts, expertise and specialized teams to act in cooperation with the government and local entities, always in dialogue with urban and rural populations, in all their diversity.
Find out what the Vale Foundation is doing in each territory
Click on the territories below and learn more
Espírito Santo
In Espírito Santo, the Vale Foundation and its partners support initiatives on several fronts, such as comprehensive education, early childhood education, fostering youth entrepreneurship, expanding services in Basic Health Units, among many others. In the municipality of Serra, it maintains the Knowledge Station with activities for children and adolescents.
In the territory, the Vale Foundation enriches its activities in dialogue with other Vale initiatives in the region, which also reinforce local development. In the state are around 12% of the mining company’s employees, most of them working in the Port of Tubarão, located in the capital of Espírito Santo, Vitória, the largest export hub of iron ore and pellets in the world. From Cariacica, the train leaves by the Vitória a Minas Railway (EFVM), which in addition to ore for export, transports 1 million passengers per year.
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Major structuring projects are carried out by the Vale Foundation in Maranhão, in a clear example that the establishment of solid partnerships and open dialogue between public, private and third sector entities are essential for integral human development in the territory.
The initiatives aim to contribute to the reduction of the infant mortality rate and promote health, strengthen literacy and support social entrepreneurship. In the health field, it carries out projects aimed at self-care, prevention and assistance, with improved access and care through the primary care network. In Maranhão, the Knowledge Station Arari is also located.
Vale’s presence in the state is made by operations at the Ponta da Madeira Maritime Terminal, and by the railroads of the Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC), which in addition to ore transports over a thousand passengers per day, connecting 27 municipalities in the state.
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Minas Gerais
The Vale Foundation operates in several municipalities in Minas Gerais, and has a close and lasting relationship with the territory. Together with partners and public institutions, it invests in initiatives in favor of social development through integral and quality education, improvement in public management, promotion of the population’s health and promotion of local entrepreneurs and social businesses. It also maintains the Brumadinho Knowledge Station.
The Minas Gerais, concentrates 60% of Vale’s production, there are 38% of its employees and the capital, Belo Horizonte, leaves the Estrada de Ferro Vitória Minas, which goes along the Rio Doce to Espírito Santo, a 900km route.
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The Vale Foundation’s activities in Pará is quite diverse. The Social development involves enhancing local economic dynamism and supporting the region’s economic vocations, such as female and social entrepreneurship initiatives. It also maintains the Marabá and Tucumã Knowledge Stations.
The Vale Foundation’s various initiatives in the territory are in line with the socio-environmental actions promoted by Vale in Pará, where it has been for more than three decades. In the state, the most modern mining complex in the country, the S11D, is located for the extraction of iron ore, copper and nickel, and almost 33% of Vale’s employees.
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Rio de Janeiro
The Vale Foundation is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, together with Vale’s administrative office. In the state, the Vale Foundation works, in partnership with the public authorities, to promote reading, entrepreneurship and implements social protection initiatives. Vale’s operations in Rio de Janeiro are concentrated in logistics activities at the Portos Sul complex, in Baía de Sepetiba.
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