Arari Knowledge Station (MA) organizes the “Black Narratives” Literary Fair to expand interest in Afro-Brazilian literature and culture

In July, the Arari Knowledge Station, in Maranhão, launched the “Black Narratives” Literary Fair, with the aim of increasing interest in reading in the region, with multifaceted activities focusing on Brazilian blackness.
The event featured book launches, local booksellers’ stands, storytelling, arts workshops, conversation circles and cultural presentations, such as coconut dance, black bull ox, maculelê, creole drum, gang, among others.
The Knowledge Stations are spaces that offer education, culture and sport activities, after school for children and adolescents.
Another successful project run by the Vale Foundation took part in the literary fair: Literacy Trails, which aims to guarantee the right to quality education for around 70,000 children in Maranhão. Local project teams organized reading and storytelling workshops with teachers and students from the Arari school system.