Scientific and Technological Education Project encourages scientific thinking in students from the Knowledge Stations of Serra (ES), Marabá (PA) and Arari (MA)

The Scientific and Technological Education project is an initiative that reinforces the

More than 28 million children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 are out of school in the country

The “Literacy Trails” project a partnership of the Vale Foundation with the Government of

In the NGO modality, the Early Childhood Education and Inclusive Education projects are the

In the Southeast of Pará, the Education and Health Program begins to be implemented in eight

Photo: Nilmar Lage / Grão Fotografia The “Girls in science: experiences and

The Networked Territories team leaflets during the campaign A series of actions against school

The Vale Foundation works with the territories where it operates to increase the access of social

Presentation of the Tambor de Crioula at the formative event "Web, identity and culture" Photo: