Indigenous communities of Maranhão receive equipment and furniture through the Health Cycle

Indigenous communities in the regions of Alto Turiaçu and Pindaré, in the municipalities of Santa Inês, Bom Jardim and Zé Doca (MA), benefited from the Health Cycle, a program that contributes to the strengthening of Basic Health Care through donations of equipment and furniture and training of professionals in the area. Eight indigenous basic health units (UBSI) in the villages received, in April, donations of about 300 items, such as computers, TVs, blood collection chairs, pressure measuring devices, among others. The initiative is from the Vale Foundation in partnership with the Center for Health Promotion (Cedaps).
“This is just one stage of the project. Technical training for indigenous health professionals is also provided through thematic and basic workshops”, recalled Vale Foundation’s social responsibility analyst, Willman Abadessa Miranda.
The technical manager of the Santa Inês Base Hub, Dizano Lopes added:
“We are grateful for the receipt of this material that will strengthen indigenous health. Each UBS now has state-of-the-art equipment”.
“This material arrived at the right time. It will greatly improve dental care, monitoring pregnant women and other procedures”, adds chief Antônio Wilson Guajajara.
Want to learn more about the initiatives of the “Health Cycle” program? Read more:
“Health Cycle” donates equipment and furniture to Basic Health Units in São Luís (MA), Cariacica and Colatina (ES)
“Health Cycle” performs actions to support the Red December campaign and workshops on sexual and reproductive health
Health Cycle starts qualification workshops for basic health services and equipment in Pará and Maranhão