Activity Reports

2023 Highlights
In 2023, the Vale Foundation developed actions as part of a number of initiatives, including the Education and Healthcare Program and Knowledge Stations, in 50 municipalities in the states of Pará, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro.
The improvements made to the implementation of programs allowed us to be able to monitor external impact indicators, leading to a better understanding of our partner work in the regions. Special mention amongst the programs should go to the Literacy Trails, which included the 4th and 5th primary school grades in Maranhão and impacted around 168,900 students in the states of Pará, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro.
The Social Protection Health Cycle was extended to more than 24 municipalities in Maranhão, supporting 336 UBS (public health centers), training 4,700 professionals and establishing relations with 60 CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Centers). Furthermore, the Vale Foundation has incorporated already existing action concept testing in order, together with Vale, to help 500,000 people move out of situations of extreme poverty by 2030.
Acknowledge, consider and move forward
With dialog and the strengthening of public policies at the heart of the brand, the Foundation is one of the channels that Vale provides to interact with society and, above all, to continue constructing networks that support us in our objective as a company.

Chairwoman of the Vale Foundation’s Board of Trustees and VP of Sustainability at Vale
Greater integration with the regions, consolidation of the partner network, perseverance in the strategy of strengthening public policies, and advances in the gauging of results. These were the highlights of the Vale Foundation’s operations in 2023.
President of the Vale Foundation

2023 results

1.8 million
people benefited

R$ 89.8 million
million in investments

municipalities in 5 states

education professionals trained

4,700 health
health care or social welfare professionals trained