29/04/2021 - 21:41

The Literary Routes and Networks program supports public schools to structure their policy for promoting books and reading and to integrate reading actions in the curriculum. The program fosters access to books and reading through the expansion of the schools’ literary collection and the training of teachers in reading mediation, in addition to improving the rooms and […]

29/04/2021 - 21:40

The Networked Territories program aims to identify the main challenges related to the development of municipalities, proposing a set of actions to ensure the confrontation of school exclusion and to carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the challenges experienced, in addition to promoting the articulation of governmental and non-governmental sectors for the development of policies and actions […]

29/04/2021 - 21:34

The Health and Social Protection Cycle aims to strengthen disease prevention actions and promote primary health care as a cross-cutting policy of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). The actions are organized based on the experience accumulated by the Health Cycle project in the territories, with an emphasis on participatory methodologies that are recognized and […]