
It happens at the Vale Foundation
Do you want to know the projects developed by the Vale Foundation? Check out our news below or use the filters to search.

Early Childhood Education and Inclusive Education projects win awards
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Vale Foundation starts implementation of Education and Health Program in southeastern Pará
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Webinar for educators in Itabira (MG) stimulates gender equity in science
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Campaign against school dropouts occupies Vale’s wagons in Minas Gerais
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Inauguration of reading rooms in Açailândia (MA) contribute to access to the book and promotion of reading in the municipality
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Free and virtual course contributes to the training of proponents of sports projects throughout the country
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Event “Web, identity and culture” values quilombola culture in Maranhão
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Pequiá Street Fair stimulate economy and local culture, in Açailândia (MA)
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Indigenous communities of Maranhão receive equipment and furniture through the Health Cycle
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